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Weekly, Monthly or Termly Review Questioning

This is a space whereby overarching learning across a week/month is reviewed.



The purpose is again to strengthen long-term memory through making connections with previous learning.



It contributes to long-term knowledge retention due to the time between each review session requiring children to recall knowledge learned over a period of time.



This may take longer than the daily review questioning.



You can still utilise this to begin a lesson but it can also be a lesson!



This should not be seen ‘wasted time’ but an opportunity to consolidate learning in order to move forward.

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How might I conduct a weekly/monthly/termly review?

This can be done in a number of ways:

A quiz

A test



But, as this is not part of a formal or summative assessment, a more engaging way to do this might be as a group open book, time limited quiz…here students can work together utilising their previous work and class resources to find the answers to the questions that have been set.


Such a review can help prepare students for forthcoming exams or formal tests by using a mock papers or previous questions that they have to work through. 


The questions can be based on knowledge but also could be around unpicking the test question itself - What does it mean?  What are the key words? What elements is the question asking for?



Include in the quiz things that are less frequently revisited, things that you know students tend to forget or things that students have struggled to grasp.



This also supports students  developing the habit/skill of looking at their previous learning when needed and encourages independence.



The questions are not those in their books but utilising the knowledge and methodology captured in their books.



This approach can also support the identification of misconceptions that can be addressed in future teaching or identify areas where learning needs to be revisited.


Developing a weekly/monthly/termly review

Working with a colleague or across a department, devise a weekly/monthly/termly review activity.


This could be part of a lesson, or indeed be a lesson.


Experiment with approaches that are more creative than a test or quiz.


Try using an open book/resources team challenge, remembering not all students need to have the same set of questions, these can be adapted based upon your ongoing formative assessment, enabling students to practice key areas of the curriculum and develop their subject knowledge.


Weekly/Monthly/Termly reviews also support students in developing their 21st Century Skills

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