Introduction to Bowden Education
We firmly believe that everyone working within education should have access to appropriate, high-quality and research and evidence engaged development and professional learning. We are also acutely aware of the challenges of being able to provide such development and professional learning. It is these two elements that have driven us to establish Bowden Education. This stand alone webinar introduces you to Bowden Education. We explore why we exist, how we behave, who we are, what we do and how we are different.
Ideal for: Teachers. Senior Leaders. Chairs of Governing Bodies. Anyone committed to their development and professional learning.
Phase: All
Next Date: Thursday 15th January 2020 18:00 (GMT)
Exploring Leadership
Effective leadership is essential for any successful school community, and yet there is often confusion, misunderstanding and a lack of knowledge as to what effective leadership actually is and the value it has. This series of 5 webinars is based on the premise that all teachers, not only those with a leadership title, are leaders; in addition to considering who are leaders, the sessions explore the difference between leadership and management, the importance of strong leadership and how to achieve this.
Ideal for: All teachers. All school leaders. Chairs and Vice-Chairs of Governors. Governors with responsibility for leadership and management. School Support Staff who lead a team.
Phase: All
Series Cost: £110pp
£500 for a group of 5 people
Next Dates: Our next course is on the following 5 dates: Wednesdays 26 February, 4,11,18 & 25 March 2020 All 18:00 (GMT)
Is work-life balance unattainable?
Quite rightly, work-life balance features widely within the current education discourse. This stand alone webinar questions whether a work-life balance is in fact attainable, suggesting that trying to achieve harmony and balance between our work and personal lives can be a root cause of increased stress and anxiety. It is not that we must not have positive wellbeing but there is another way of achieving this…
Ideal for: All teachers. Senior leaders with responsibility for staff wellbeing. Governors with responsibility for wellbeing/workload.
Phase: All
£ 25pp
£110 for a group of 5 people
Next date: Wednesday 12th February 2020 18:00 (GMT)
Lonely at the Top - In times of challenge and change how do we support our leaders?
Challenge and change are a constant in contemporary education. It is common place to hear about restructuring, cuts and changing regimes. This stand alone webinar asks a pertinent question: how do we support our leaders in times of significant change? Leaders are the people making the decisions and navigating the challenges whilst maintaining business as usual. We need to make sure that the impact of change and challenge does not result in the loss of good leaders.
Ideal for: School Leaders. Leadership Teams. Governors with responsibility for leadership. Teachers.
Phase: All
£ 25pp
£110 for a group of 5 people
Next Date: Monday 16th March 2020 18:00 (GMT)
Professionalism: Is teaching actually a profession?
Is teaching a profession? What does it mean to be a professional? Who decides? This stand alone webinar discusses and debates the notion of teaching as a profession examining what being a professional actually means. We explore key professional behaviours as well as those that are less than professional.
Ideal for: All Teachers. Teaching Assistants.School Leaders. Trainee Teachers. Governors.
Phase: All
£ 25pp
£110 for a group of 5
Next Date: Tuesday 31st March 2020 18:00 (GMT)
The benefits of coaching and mentoring
Being mentored and coached affords you the space to reflect, share career aspirations, talk through and solve issues that you face and offload in a confidential, supportive, yet challenging conversation. There are significant benefits for the school if external mentoring and coaching to staff is offered. This stand alone introductory webinar explores the benefits of mentoring and coaching and introduces the mentoring and coaching offered by Bowden Education.
Ideal for: Teachers who are interested in being mentored. Senior leaders who wish to support staff through enrolling a mentor. Governors responsible for staff development .
Phase: All
Next Date: Tuesday 28th January 2020 18:00 (GMT)
The Importance of Accessing and Engaging with High Quality Research and Evidence Informed Teacher Development and
Professional Learning
Having access to appropriate professional learning and development is vital for all teachers and the wider school community if we, as a profession, are to offer the best possible, transformational learning experience for children. This stand alone webinar explores the importance of professional learning and teacher development whilst also considering the key characteristics of a high quality teacher development and professional learning programme.
Ideal for: School Leaders, Teachers, Support Staff, Governors with responsibility for staff development
Phase: All
Next Date: Monday 23rd January 2020 18:00 (GMT)
The Power of Short Stories to Improve the Skills of Inference
and Deduction
Using a particular story, this stand alone webinar will examine how powerful short stories can support children’s comprehension skills, particularly in terms of inference and deduction. Pedagogies and activities will be examined and discussed, with a particular focus on active, child-led learning. The session will include exploration of how short stories might be utilised in small group reading sessions and with the whole class. A free set of plans will accompany this webinar and be available after the event.
Ideal for: Teachers, Primary English Subject Leads, Teaching Assistants
Phase: Primary
£ 25pp
£110 for a group of 5 people
Next Date: Thursday 23rd April 2020 18:00 (GMT)
What Happens If I Don’t Pass the Test? Should we be moving on
from the 11+
The 11+ test to access a grammar school has been a firm part of the landscape in a few remaining counties in England. This stand alone webinar discusses and debates the history of the test, the impact that this has upon an educational landscape and the children who are trapped within this dated system. The argument for social mobility will be looked at alongside the potential reasons for the popularity of this system with parents. This webinar puts forward a particular perspective and aims to challenge your own thinking and perspectives to allow you to draw your own conclusions.
Ideal for: Parents. Teachers. Trainee Teachers. Governors.
Phase: All
£ 25pp
£110 for a group of 5
Next Date: Wednesday 22nd April 2020 18:00 (GMT)
Using Rhyming Picture Books to Develop Reading Skills
A selection of rhyming picture books will be discussed in this stand alone webinar in terms of how they might be used both for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 children, to develop their reading skills. Picture books are often perceived as more relevant for younger children, but during this session, we will explore the potential power and impact of using these across the primary phases. A free set of plans will accompany this webinar and be available after the event.
Ideal for: Teachers, Primary English Subject Leads, Teaching Assistants
Phase: Primary
£ 25pp
£110 for a group of 5 people
Next Date: Tuesday 19th May 2020 18:00 (GMT)
The Power of Poetry
Using poetry across the curriculum has the potential to inspire, motivate and engage children, whilst developing their understanding and use of vocabulary and promoting an excitement about language and what it can do. This series of 4 webinars will explore the power of poetry and how it might be used across the curriculum. Many teachers have said to me that they shy away from teaching poetry, either because of their own negative experiences of poetry when they were themselves young learners, or because of a perceived lack of subject knowledge. This webinar series aims to dispel some of these concerns and actively promotes the idea that poetry is accessible to all and has much to offer every one of us, children and adults alike.
Ideal for: Teachers, Student Teachers
Phase: All
Series Cost £ 90pp
£400 for a group of 5 people
Next Date: Our next course is on the following 4 dates: Mondays 3 February, 2 March, 6 April and Tuesday 5 May 2020 All 18:00 (GMT)
Supporting Children with English as an Additional Language
Many schools and classrooms are lucky enough to have children and families from diverse backgrounds, speaking a range of languages. However, implementing effective support often feels like a challenge, ensuring that all children can access the learning. This series of 4 webinars will explore the principles and practice underpinning effective support of children with EAL and their families. Established research and theory will be used to examine why some approaches are more effective than others and how a creative and innovative approach to support will enhance the learning opportunities of all children in your class. Practical strategies will be introduced, with specific resources offered and discussed.
Ideal for: Teachers, Senior Leaders, Student Teachers
Phase: All
Series Cost £ 90pp
£400 for a group of 5 people
Next Date: Our next course is on the following 4 dates: Thursday 6 February, Thursday 12 March, Tuesday 7 April & Thursday 7 May 2020 All 18:00 (GMT)
Collaboration + Communication + Co-Operation = Comprehension
Developing children’s comprehension skills, so that they are able to access, enjoy and understand the wide range of multimodal texts they will encounter in life, is a priority for us all as teachers. This series of 4 webinars will explore how collaboration, communication and co-operation can be promoted within and beyond the Primary English curriculum, to support children’s ability to infer, deduce and better comprehend. There will be a focus on broadening vocabulary, providing opportunities for genuine dialogic interaction and suggesting ways to encourage children to listen, question, challenge and debate - all leading to an ability to more effectively comprehend and critique what is read, watched and listened to.
Ideal for: Teachers, Student Teachers
Phase: All
Series Cost £ 90pp
£400 for a group of 5 people
Next Date: Our next course is on the following 4 dates: 20 April 2020 18:00 (GMT)